
Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky

There is an old saying “history never looks like history when you are living through it”. During good times or challenging times, periods of great development or times of economic uncertainty, we come to realize that mortgage bankers, banks, and others involved in the mortgage lending process need to work together to achieve common goals and protect our businesses. The value of belonging to the MBAKY is never more evident than at times of market turbulence. High interest rates, low interest rates, inflation, deflation, stagflation, over-building, under-building, tight credit, easy credit, no credit, credit crunches and, of course, long periods of prosperity. The MBAKY and its members have lived through it all. And, for all the current history that we are living through, combined with all that we have learned from our past, the MBAKY and its members have always emerged stronger, smarter, more resilient and better–together. Remember, members do business with members. Join us today!



The By-Laws of the MBA of KY, approved by the Board on 7/23/2023, can be accessed and downloaded here.



The Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky is a nonprofit, volunteer organization dedicated to both the preservation and improvement of the mortgage banking industry, and dependent upon the support of the association members. The Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky is comprised of bankers, brokers, loan officers, appraisers, home inspectors, attorneys, real estate professionals, underwriters, processors, insurance agents, and other professionals involved in the business of mortgage banking and the housing market in the Louisville area. Membership is open to those engaged in mortgage lending and other housing related businesses that have an offices in Kentucky that are outside of the Louisville or Lexington area.  Members of the MBA of Louisville or the MBA of the Bluegrass are automatically members of MBAKY.

MBAKY exists, among many reasons, to foster sound ethical business practices and methods in the making, marketing, and servicing of real estate mortgage loans; to sponsor educational opportunities for industry professionals; and to inform its membership about changes in mortgage laws and pending legislation affecting the real estate and mortgage industries. The reasons for joining MBAKY are myriad. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge of the industry, to aid our industry legislatively, or simply expand your network, you will find a place within MBAKY for you. Read on to learn more about the specific benefits, and send us your application today!



As a member of MBAKY, you have the opportunity to attend functions of any regional MBA (such as Louisville or Lexington) whenever you choose. There is usually one function every month of the year, and sometimes more. MBAKY hosts an educational conference once a year as well as other educational opportunities.

Through the enhancement of business relationships, our members encounter new avenues for doing business—opportunities to meet and greet! With luncheons, golf outings, charity work, committees, and much more, there is always a way to become involved.



Through communication, MBAKY members are regularly kept aware of what is happening in the mortgage industry. Special notices are sent to all members whenever national and/or local events and circumstances change. Upcoming educational opportunities and other events are always publicized well in advance to all members through email.



The Association encourages ethical conduct among its members. By defining and prescribing to a strict Canons of Ethics and Standards for Practice, our members contribute to the professionalism of the mortgage industry.



Through education, our members rise to the top of their fields. The Education Committee meets quarterly to create educational opportunities and to plan seminars and events based on member needs and industry changes. These seminars are publicized through the website and with the help of the Louisville and Lexington MBA chapters.



One of the most important functions of the Association is keeping our members up to date on legislation that affects our industry. We keep our members informed of recent or pending changes in legislation that may affect our industry. Our Association is very involved in the legislative process in Frankfort and has been instrumental in protecting our livelihoods.

Are you looking for success? There is no better way to join a network of mortgage professional than to become a MBAKY member!  We need mortgage professionals from the entire state to be involved in the Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky.



At-Large Corporate Member: $500 annually (plus a one-time $25 initiation fee)

At-Large Associate Member: $500 annually (plus a one-time $25 initiation fee) Dues are billed annually at the beginning of the year. New members dues are pro-rated depending on the month of initiation. Please fill out the MBAKY Application and return it to:

Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky
C/O Alan Thorup Executive Director
19359 Alpine Drive
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

For further information, please contact MBAKY at:
Office: 317-428-7699